What to Do If You’ve Been The Victim of a Hate Crime (Read more)Article
FREE Legal resources by NAPABALegal help(202) 775-9555
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free, confidential, 24/7 support for people in distress, as well as provides crisis resources and best practices for professionals.Mental health1-800-273-TALK (8255)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7 hotline for victims. Mental health1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Are you a victim? Talk or Chat with a specialist. Share your stories, know your rights, and talk with someone about your options. (Victim Connect Resource Center)Victim Help1-855-4VICTIM (84-2846)
Get mental health help and talk to others about your experience. (Asian Mental Health Collective)Mental health
Boston College: Racial Trauma ToolkitEducational
Free Legal help by AAAJ (National)Legal help(202) 296-2300
Free legal help by AAAJ (Atlanta, GA)Legal helpEmail
Free legal help by AAAJ (Chicago), IL)Legal help(773) 271-0899
Free legal help by AAAJ (Los Angeles, CA)Legal help(213) 977-7500
Free legal help by AALDEF (New York, NY)Legal help(212) 966-5932
Free legal help by A3PCON (Los Angeles, CA)Legal help(213) 239-0300
How to talk to your kids about racism against them (Read more)Article
Parents guide to talking to their Asian/Asian American children about the current situations in multiple languages (Read more)Educational materials
How to talk to elders about anti-Asian racism and violence (Read more)Educational
How to raise anti-racist kids (Read more)Article
South Asian TherapistsMental health
Bystander Intervention TrainingEducational
Hotline for crime and bias (New York, NY)Legal helpEmail
Racism is a Virus ToolkitEducational
24hr Asian LifeNet HotlineEmergency hotline1-877-990-8585 (Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Fujianese)

1-800-543-3638 (all other languages)
24hr National Suicide Prevention Hotline (>150 languages available)Emergency hotline1-800-273-8255
Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia, Inc.Crisis support and counselling215-551-3360
How to Report a Hate Crime Booklet (available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese)Educational
Asian American Federation (AAF) “Stay Safe from Hate: How to Protect Yourself in Threatening Situations” booklet includes verbal de-escalation strategies, bystander techniques, non-violent communication strategies, and physical defense techniques.Educational